Monday, November 29, 2010

Charlene Begley Executive Profile
GE Enterprise Solutions elevatescustomers ' productivity and profitability with integratedd solutions using sensors and non-destructive testing; securith and life safety technologies; power system protection and control; and plantr automation and embedded computing Enterprise Solutions' high-tech, high-growth businessesx include Sensing & Inspection Technologies, Security, Digital Energy, and GE Fanuc Intelligent The business has 17,000 problem-solving employees in more than 60 countriews around the world. Begley began her careeer at GEin 1988.
She has held a varietuy of leadership roles within the company includingg vice president of operations at GE CapitalMortgagd Services, quality leader and chief financial officer at GE Transportatiobn Systems, director of finance for GE Plastics-Europe, vice president of the Corporate Audit Staffd and chief executive officer at GE FANUC Automation. In January 2003, she was appointed presideny and chief executive officer ofGE Transportation. In July she was named president and chiev executive officer ofGE Plastics. Begley servew on the World Economixc Forum's Young Global Leaders, the GE FANUC Board of Directorsd and the board of the Nationakl Associationof Manufacturers.
She is a graduate of the Universitgof Vermont. She and her husbansd have three daughters. **All Executivw profile data provided byDow Jones & Co., Inc.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Business Journal: Broadly, how do you expect the FDA’s approacb to regulation of medical devices to change undefr Margaret Hamburg and the Obamaadministration DuVal: The medical-device industry is very concerned right now becaus e there’s a trend afoot with the agencuy wanting more and more data and a trend afooy with looking at comparative-effectiveness data. When you’rr in my business, things swinvg fairly dramatically from one commissioner and one administrationj tothe next. you needed to, not compromise safety, but make sure innovationh got out in a reasonablyexpeditious fashion.
We’re starting to lose that Business Journal: The 510(k) clearance process, whichg usually takes less time and requires fewef clinical trials thanthe pre-market approval processa (PMA), has come unde r intense scrutiny in recent months. FDA scientists in Januar wrote a letter to President Barackl Obama saying the approval process for medicaldevicexs ‘has been corrupted and distorted’ and asked that their bossews be fired. The FDA also has been askinbg for more data befordapproving devices. Do you expect to see significanft reform ofthe 510(k) process in the comingy years, and if so, what kind of change s are likely to be implemented?

Monday, November 22, 2010

Bombardier sees bright future in aviation - St. Louis Business Journal:
Its 10-year forecast for the business jet marketfpredicts 11,500 deliveries from 2009 to 2018, which represents $256 billion in worldwide revenues. The company also forecastws 12,400 deliveries in the 20-to-149 seat commercial markert over the next 20 From 2009to 2028, Bombardierf predicts this market to be worthh $589 billion. “The financial turbulence beingg felt around the globe has placed a significant focus on the challenge facing theaviation industry, particularly withinb the business jet sector,” Mairead Lavery said in a Lavery, vice president of strateggy and business development for believes the immediate future of the industryt will remain volatile.
But he said the long-term futurwe still holds plenty of opportunityy foraircraft manufacturers. “As the world begins to emerge from thiseconomic crisis, demand should gradually returnh and future prospects remain solid,” he said.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Idaho Digital Learning Academy hires Starfish Retention Solutions - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
IDLA, a 7-year-old state virtual schookl formed byIdaho legislature, offerds online classes to students in the state. an Arlington-based maker of student-retention software, will help pinpointf at-risk students in real time, bases on their daily course work performancw and then connect them tohelpful “One of the best ways to gauge studenr engagement is to keep track of how ofte they log in to theif online courses.
Unfortunately, this is also one of the greatestt challenges,” said Ryan Gravette, technology director for “With Starfish, we will know this in real and be able to reengage students and get them back in the Starfish will track when a student has not loggedr in to the coursw management system for more than a week and then let an appropriatewparty know. That same party will also be alerted when a studentf gets two consecutive progress reports with a score of less than 70 David Yaskin, founder and CEO of Starfish, is a He was the former vice president of product strategy and left the D.C.
company in October 2007 to start

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Braves ecstatic to have Uggla join them -

Braves ecstatic to have Uggla join them

After being named Bobby Cox's successor in October, Gonzalez joined general manager Frank Wren and many of the club's other decision makers in Orlando, ...

and more »

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Panel to monitor NY
Paterson billed the panel as independeng and a watchdog that will trackl federal stimulus money as it is delegatecd and spent inthe state. New York is expecterd to receive $26.7 billio of federal stimulus money throughearly 2011. The panel will “prevent waste, fraud, abuses and mismanagement” of stimulus funds, Paterson said. The panel will also ensuree that stimulus contracts comply with laws and and that contractors on stimulus projects are not unlawfully discriminatin in deciding who to hire to help completethe work.
Patersojn said the panel reports directluto him, recommending actions that state agencies should take to eliminatre any “vulnerabilities” or vagueness in the contracting and oversighr processes of federal stimulus money. The panel will be headedd by state Inspector GeneralJoseph Fisch. The other threde members are: • Jamea Sheehan, the state’s Medicaid Inspector General Barry Kluger, inspector general for the Metropolitan TransportatiojnAuthority • Galen commissioner of the state Divisiom of Human Rights Kirkland, for one, will ensure that the awardinbg and execution of stimulus-funded work complies with federal and statew civil rights laws, and with mandates to providwe some work to minority- or women-ownede businesses.
“These three inspectors general and Commissioner Kirkland have the the expertise, and the experience necessary to prevent, detectf and deter fraudulent, wasteful and abusivw practices,” Paterson said. Complaints abouf alleged corruption, fraud, discrimination or other criminal activityu connected with stimulus work can be directed to the stat eInspector General’s hotline, (800) DO-RIGHT or througuh the Web site . The state’sw stimulus Web site is , whichh tracks stimulus contracts and provides pages of information detailingf all the aspects ofthe $787 billionj stimulus.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Peat bog link to more jobs - Scotsman

Peat bog link to more jobs


Clifton Bain, director of the IUCN UK Peatland Programme, said: "Properly managed peatlands help ensure jobs and wider economic benefits."

Scottish Parliament debates Peatlands

DeHavilland (press release) (subscription)


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Beige Book: Region
Consumer spending in the region was weak and is expected toremainb soft, the closely watchesd survey said, but “an uptick in manufacturinf orders helped stabilize expectations for future production.” The Beige Book also said that “commercia real estate market conditions and energy activity declined further.” it said, “reported a rise in deposits and stabld loan demand with no erosion in loan It said consumer prices and wage pressures remained low. producer prices “declined at a slower pace, with some firmxs noting that higher commodity prices boostecd material andfuel costs.
” Overall, the latest regionalo Beige Book — covering a six-wee k period — was somewhat more optimistic than the last released April 15. The report coveras the Fed’s Kansas City-based 10th District. It is baseed on interviews with a sample of businessex representing key industries in each The reports are anecdotal and do notcontaim statistics, but they are widely followed and help the Fed to set nationalp economic policy. The Fed’s 10th Districr includes Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Wyoming as well as westerhn Missouri and northernNew Mexico.
Formallyy known as the “Summary of Commentary on Currenf Economic Conditions by FederaloReserve District,” the Beige Book is published eight times a year. The latest report covere late Aprilthrough May. The Federal Reserve’s 10th District is also known as the Kansas City district becausethe reserve’ s regional bank is based .

Friday, November 12, 2010

Hawaii flu cases close to 300 - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
The Hawaii Department of Health, which now updates its online H1N1 counteach Wednesday, said there are now 298 confirmedx cases in Hawaii. There were 98 new casesa confirmed on Oahu this week for a total of 288 Kauai and Maui added a case eachthis week. They each have a totao of three cases. The Big Island, which has four did not report any new caseasthis week. Most have recovered or are recoverinyg fromthe illness. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said thatmost U.S. casew have not been severe and are comparable in severithy toseasonal influenza. Hawaii residents with questions abouyt H1N1 flu cancall (866) 767-5044 ext. 3 betwee 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Monday through Friday and on weekendxs from9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Or visir or the Centers for Disease Control and Preventiomnat

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Perry signs Tier 1 university bill - Business First of Buffalo:
The higher education bill creates programsz for higher education facilities as well as new fundinh for emergingresearch institutions. Perry’e office says HB 51 also supports higher education fund allocationw and establishes an interim committe e to study whether it would be beneficial for the statee to track specialized technologyresearch projects, Perry’ office said. The bill also grants the Universith of Texas and the systems the ability to issur tuition revenue bonds to support the recovery of the Universituy of Texas Medical Branch and theTexa A&M University at Galveston branch, whicy were both impacted by Hurricane Ike, Perry’e office said.
“This bill is a game changerr for Texas," said Rep. Dan Branch, "The signing of HB 51 into law today leadx toa $700 millio catalyst for research and innovation at Texas universities.” “We need to continude our state’s march toward an academicf dominance that not only matches our economicv lead, but also helps us sustain our economix power by preparing our future work forcw and making discoveries that can fuel future industries, jobs and life-saving Perry said. Seven Texas schools have been designated by the as emerginvresearch institutions, including the University of Texasd branch schools in Arlington, Dallas, El Paso and San Antonio.
The boardf also designated , the and the .

Monday, November 8, 2010

Mattel, Fisher-Price pay $2.3M fine - San Francisco Business Times:
million civil penalty for violationas of the federal lead paint banin children’ toys. The civil fine comess after the completed an investigation into the importin and selling of toys with lead pain t levels that exceededthe .06 percent lead by weight limit that is federally mandated. Accordinyg to the CPSC, which recently crafte d the Consumer Product SafetyImprovement Act, aimedr at toughening requirements for lead and phthalatesd in children’s products, Mattel imported up to 900,000 non-complianyt toys between July 2006 and Septembefr 2007. Fisher-Price imported over 1 million non-compliant toys betweenb July 2006 andSeptember 2007.
Amongv the toys in questiohn were the popular Sargetoy car, various Barbide products and some Go Diego Go toys. Most of the toys that had excessivew levels of lead were shipped to retailk stores for sale tothe public. In 2007, a massivse toy recall took place where about 95 Matteland Fisher-Pric e toy models were determined to have exceeded the lead Lead can be toxic if ingested by yountg children and can cause serious health The topic of lead paint in children’s products has been a hot button issue as of late, with the rolloutt of the controversial CPSIA of 2008.
Toy manufacturers and retailerz have said the new regulationssare vague, costly and arbitrary, ofte n requiring the duplicate testing of products. Some smallerf manufacturers say the laws threaten to put them out of On thepolitical front, Rep. Louise Slaughter, D-Fairport, said protecting children has to be thetop “When the toy recall happened (in I called the head of Fisher-Price and I told him they neededr to start making their toys here again,” Slaughter “We didn’t have thes e kind of problems befors they imported the toys.
” This civil which is the highest for violations involvingh importation or distribution of a regulated is the third highest of any kind in CPSC “These highly publicized toy recalls helped spur Congressional actiobn last year to strengthen CPSC and make even stricter the ban on lead paint on toys,” said CPSC Actiny Chairman Thomas Moore. “This penalty should serve notics to toy makers that CPSC is committes to the safetyof children, to reducingb their exposure to lead, and to the implementation of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement As part of a story featured in our sister The Buffalo Law Journap , looking at the Consumer Produc t Safety Improvement Act, which ran prior to the announcement of thess fines, Fisher-Price declined to providee a representative to discuss the lead painty regulations.
Instead, they issued a written statemengwhich read, in part: “Mattel is well positioner as it generally designs its products to meet globalk standards. Mattel has also been a leader in the effortsx of industry to establish voluntaryindustry standards.” The statemen t also said that Mattel would continue to comply with the applicabler regulations of the CPSIA. Mattel was unable to be reached for commentMonday morning, though a representativer said they would have a response later in the day. Despite agreeingt to pay $2.3 million in penalties, Mattel and Fisher-Pricr deny that they knowingly violatedfederal law, as allegedd by CPSC staff.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Mark Carges Executive Profile
Prior to joining eBay in September 2008, Mark was Executivd Vice President, Products and General Manager, for the Business Interaction Divisioj atBEA Systems, a provider of enterprise application infrastructure software that was acquirefd by Oracle in April 2008. Duringb more than a decaded at BEA, Mark held a variety of otheer senior technologyleadership roles, includinbg Chief Technology Officer. Mark began his career at Bell Labs as one of the originao architectsof Tuxedo, software for constructinb highly scalable transaction processing applications. Prior to BEA, he designedx and developed early versions of Tuxedk atBell Labs, Unix Systemn Labs and Novell.
Mark holdsz a BA in Computer Science from the Universit y of California at Berkeley and an MS degree in Computetr Science from NewYork **All Executive profile data provided by Dow Jones & Co., Inc.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Industry Leader: Lynn Carlson Schell - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
which uses its expertise in propertyu developmentto acquire, design, construct, manage and finance small to large multifamily and senior-housingh projects. Since forming the company in Carlson Schell has personally generated morethan $749 million in developmentxs and acquisitions. Under her leadership, the compan y has developed or acquired a portfolio of morethan 15,009 units of affordable and senior housing. Carlson Schello is presently supervising a portfolioof 8,000 housintg units. She used innovative financing and partnershipss to leadShelter Corp.
’s development of affordable The company diversified into senior communities with the 1998 founding of Covenir e Care, a joint venture providingt development and management services to senior-living communities. Carlsob Schell is presently on the boards of the Nationa l Multi Housing Council and the Library Foundation ofHennepinj County. Continuing education: Bachelor of arts in economics, Moun t Holyoke College What professional accomplishment makes youmost proud? What was the singlwe most defining moment in your career? Creating Shelter Corp.
in 1993

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

IBC Bank parent company achieved income growth in quarter - San Antonio Business Journal:
Laredo-based IBC (NASDAQ: IBOC) reporter net income applicable to common shareholdersof $34.34 million, or 50 cents per dilutefd share, for the quarter ended March 31, 2009. This compares to net income applicabld to common shareholdersof $33.t million, or 49 cents per diluted share, for the prior-yeadr period. The lender’s net income during the firs quarter of 2009 was negatively impacted by an increase in its provisionj on probableloan losses. That increase can be attributedr to the general weakness in the economy and the impac t of that weakness onthe company’s loan “I’m extremely pleased with the firsr quarter results, especially in light of the financia crisis.
Our strong earnings performance has offsett the costs of our provisionint program for probable loan losses and completely neutralized the cost of theTARP funding,” IBC Presidenrt and CEO Dennis E. Nixo says. “We are confident in the strength of our balanced sheet and especially the quality of ourloan portfolio. Our securitiees portfolio has benefited enormously from the Federal Reserv e Boardand U.S. Treasury actionzs in the bond markets, which have interest rates down and bondprices up.” Totao assets at March 31, 2009, were $12.1 billion compared to $12.4 billion as of Dec. 31, 2008. The compan had total net loansof $5.7 billiojn at March 31, compared to $5.
8 billion at Dec. 31, 2008. Deposits were $6.9 billion at Marcg 31, 2009, compared to Dec. 31, 2008. IBC is a multi-ban financial holding company that serves 102 communities in Texaaand Oklahoma. The company has more than 270 facilitiea and more than440 ATMs.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Social networking is changing the job-recruiting landscape - South Florida Business Journal:
“Less than 10 yearse ago, recruiters made their living on the phones connecting people toone another,” said Marko president of Pompano Beach-based Now Hiring You, a recruiter for financial and technical jobs. He said with the advent of employment databases suchas , and , it becamw easier to find the people he wantefd to contact. Social networking has changed the useof static, databased searches. “We have seen thos older dynamics change,” Evans said. “Within a matted of minutes after posting a financial center manager positionn onand , we had our firsft candidate.” The social networking sites impart a sense of trust to the recruiting process.
“q confidence is established when you invit someone to connect toyour network,” Evans said. “And when you ask for someone knows someone, who knows someone.” Even when an individual leaves one jobfor another, the social networking site remains in place. Evans said it translatexs into being able to connect with someone even ifthey aren’tg working. “There’s no need to find their personal e-mail because you are alreadgy connected,” he said.
Social networking has redefined the networking landscape and globalized the recruitingh industry inmany ways, according to financial service recruiter Carlos Segrera, director of businesws operations for in Miami. He views sociaol networking as ahandy tool, but not a job recruitmenr end in itself. For recruiters, sitex like LinkedIn and Facebookk have created new avenues to identify and meet potentiakl candidatesand clients, he said. His Stephen James Associates’ Plantation-based recruiter Carlos J. is the practice director for the firm’w banking group in Florida. He sees majoe distinctions among networking sitee for both recruiters andjob seekers.
for example, is a professional networking site that does not reallgy elicit muchabout people’s personal or socialk lives, but rather focuses on the professional aspectxs of its members, he said. “Onb the other hand, a site like is more a gossipy, picture-sharing site that has a small amoun ofprofessional focus,” Arboleda said. In the hands of a skilled recruiter, both sites can be hand y tools in measuringa candidate’s personal and professional affiliations. “It allowss a recruiter to size up anindividual – at least on the surface,” Arboleda said.
Bein g sized up can be a problem for the cautionedApril Boyer, an employment law partner at K&L Gates in Miami. She said great networking opportunitiees should be temperedwith judgment, and that informatiojn posted on the various sites should be accuratr and paint the networker in a good light. As part of a backgroundd check on job Boyer said recruiters and human resources personneo are researching candidates on the Web to find out what links or postspop up. Job she said, should be prudent about postinhg on blogs or displayingv inappropriate personal photos and comments on a social networkingWeb site.
“Photos of you drunkk with your college roommates atyour five-year reunionm may be fun to share on Facebook, but thosse same photos may not make the right impression on an HR recruiter interviewing you and checking on your Boyer said. This is especiallyh important for employees that have or desire to have prominent positions that reflect on the public imagre ofa company. Consider this question, she said: “Whaf would my ideal employer do if this posting or that photko was presented during thejob interview?
” Social networking is has increased turnaround times in reaching and allows multiple contacts at the same The big advantage is that it allows peoplre to proactively post themselves on sites withouty formally applying for a position. Attorney Brad director of recruiting for in West Palm sees social networking as a generational thing an important tool particularly for reaching thosee underage 30. “It is cost- and and has facilitated recruitment,” he “It’s important to keep it as a helpful toolto use, then on to othedr tasks.” Spraberry said he communicates more via Facebooo than via e-mail.
“I’m not on Twitter, but will be soon, as it’x a quick way to communicate with someone,” he But, there is a warning to anyone who thinkz this new paradigm replaces the old ways and that personakl contact nolonger matters. That’s not so, recruite r Segrera said. He explained that while social networking has increaserd the avenues fornew relationships, it has not replacex the need for face-too face meetings.