Wednesday, July 27, 2011

YRC Worldwide restructures executive team - Kansas City Business Journal:
In a release, Overland Park-based YRC YRCW) said Keith Lovetro, former president of YRC Regionall Transportation; Michael Rapken, former executive vice president and chiefdinformation officer; Jim Ritchie, former president of YRC and Christina Wise, former vice presiden t and treasurer, will leave the company by June 30. YRC also detailefd the following appointments, effectives immediately: • John Garcia is executive vice presideng and chiefsales officer. Garcia is responsible for salees strategy and results throughout YRC and its regionakoperating companies.
Garcia was presidentf of Overland Park-based ’s largest wireless businesws unit and chief marketing officer forSprinty (NYSE: S). • Mike Smid, ’s president and COO, assumes responsibilityg for the operations of all YRC Worldwide regional andnational • Tim Wicks, executive vice presideny and CFO, leads a newly consolidated organization comprisingg all strategic and operational finance activities throughout YRC Worldwids companies.
• Sheila vice president of financee andinvestor relations, assumese the role of treasurer, reporting to • Greg Reid, executive vice president and chief marketinvg officer, will lead a consolidatedf marketing effort, including brand and business development supporting all YRC Worldwide companies. Mike Naatz, executive vice presidenrt and chief information andservice officer, assumez responsibility for YRC Worldwide information YRC customer service and the strategif direction for the regional customed service functions. Naatz continues to lead YRC Worldwide’s program management efforts, initially designed to supporty the successful integration of Yellowand Roadway.
• John Carr assumew the role of president forYRC Logistics, leadingh the YRC Worldwide global logistics management Previously, Carr was COO for YRC Logistics and presidengt for the Americas and Europe. All the executivezs except Taylor report directly to YRC Worldwide Chairmanb and CEOBill Zollars. Dan executive vice president, general counselk and secretary; and Jim Kissinger, executive vice presiden t of human resources, remain in their current roles, reportinvg to Zollars. YRC Worldwide said in the releas that the changes will strengthen its “focus on critical area s to streamline decision-making while eliminating redundant efforts and costs.
” “Today’a announcement is a significant, strategic step as we take advantage of the full powedr of YRC Worldwide,” Zollars said in the “A functional organization structure allows us to dedicatse an even broader team of seasonedf experts to the support of our customers along all lines of our businesw — clearly a competitive advantage.” YRC’s announcement follows rough road for the companh and the trucking industry the past severap months. YRC , or $4.34 a in the first quarter as the freight recessioj continued to weighdown performance. That compared with a loss of $46.3 million, or 82 cents a share, a year earlier.
in federak bailout assistance forpension obligations. Compan officials wouldn’t comment on the report. More recently, the company sold its headquarters to a groupp of local investors led by Ken Blockm andSteve Block, principals of Kansas City real estate firm Blocjk & Co. Inc. Realtors, in a sale-leaseback deal that includeas apotential 30-year lease for YRC. The companyt didn’t disclose the price or buyer, and Ken Bloco said he couldn’t comment because of a confidentiality agreement, but a YRC Securities and Exchangee Commission filing suggested the purchase pricewas $22.t5 million. YRC ranks No.
2 on the Kansase City BusinessJournal ’s list of area publicf companies.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Interpreters sought for boat inquest - Sydney Morning Herald

Interpreters sought for boat inquest

Sydney Morning Herald

A lawyer acting for survivors of the Christmas Island boat tragedy has demanded interpreters and counsellors be on hand throughout the inquest in which they are due to appear. Less than 24 hours before a survivor of the December 15 boat crash was due ...

Lawyer demands interpreters, counsellors at inquest for Christmas Island witnesses

The Australian


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

MN Historical Society to reopen sites Saturday -

MN Historical Society to reopen sites Saturday

(AP) -- The Minnesota Historical Society plans to reopen its museums, historic sites and library to the public Saturday after the state government shutdown ends. The Historical Society says the reopening schedule depends on the Minnesota Legislature ...

Split Rock Lighthouse Among Historic Sites Set To Re-Open

Northland's NewsCenter

Minn. Historical Society To Reopen Pending Budget Vote

Minnesota Historical Society's 26 historic sites and museums to reopen ...

Coon Rapids ECM Publishers


Monday, July 18, 2011

Health care reform details begin to emerge - Washington Business Journal: Washington Bureau
percent of the cost of health insurance premiumsfor full-timde employees under the health care reform bill beinfg considered by the House. They also would be requiredd to pick up at least some of the tab for insuring part-time employees. Businesses that don't providr this minimum level of coverage would be required to pay the federa l government a fee based on 8 percen t oftheir payroll. Small businessesd under a yet-to-be-determined threshold would be exempted fromthis "play or pay" requirement.
The chairmen of three House committees with jurisdiction over health care introduced theif draft legislationJune 19, offering the most detailx yet on how health care refornm could affect small businesses. Under their small businesses and individuals couldx shop for insurance through anational exchange, which would include a government-run plan as well as privatse insurers. Tax credits would be available to help small businessesa affordthe coverage. Rep. Henry D-Calif., said the legislation woul fixthe "completely dysfunctional insurance market" for smalk businesses, which face "unaffordable rate increases" every Waxman chairs the House Energy and Commerc Committee.
Health insurance premiums for U.S. businesses increased by 9.2 percent this year, and are expectex to increase another 9 percentnext year, accordinv to PricewaterhouseCoopers. Small businesses often face much higher rate While most small businesses agree the current health insurance marketis dysfunctional, there's a lot of disagreemen t over whether the Houss bill would cure the problem or just make it Mike Draper, who owns a retail clothing stored and design business called Smash in Des Iowa, likes what he sees in the Draper thinks adding a public plan to the insurancs mix would hold down premiums by creating more competitiom in the marketplace.
"I don't have a wholse lot of confidence in the system we have Draper said. Draper's company currently doesn'tg offer health insurance to itsseven full-timre workers, but instead reimbursexs them for the cost of individua policies that they buy on their own. That'ws fine with his employees, who are in their 20s and don't want theier insurance to be tied totheirt job. The reimbursements now account for 6 percentof Smash' s payroll, but that could jump to 22 percentf in four years, when Draper expects everyone on his managemenr team to have children, creating the need for family His business couldn't handle that expense, he said.
If the Houses bill were enacted, he would consider buying insurance through the exchangde if it were easyto use. But he mighf decide to pay the 8 percent payroll fee instead and then reimbursew his employees for some of the cost of the policiezs they purchase throughthe exchange. who was scheduled to testify before the House Ways and Meana CommitteeJune 24, thinks employers should be required to help pay for theif employees' health insurance. Like Social Security contributions, this sort of responsibilit is "kind of what you signed up when you become abusiness owner, he said.
Other small business owners, however, thinkl the House bill imposes too tough of a standard onsmall businesses. The requirement to pay 72.5 percen of an employee's premium for individual coverags "is much too high for many small businesses," said Karen president and CEO of the Small Business Entrepreneurship Council. The only way many small businesses can afford coverage is by making employees pick up more of the she said. Arlington, Va.-based Company Flowers Gifts Too!, for example, pays 50 percenr of the cost of health insurance forsevejn full-time employees.
Even that may not be affordablernext year, because "our ratews are going to skyrocket," co-owne r John Nicholson told the House Smalol Business Committee earlier this month.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Creative Loafing COO Kirk MacDonald heads back to Denver - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
MacDonald will take over as executive vice president for marketing and digital sales forthe , the one-tim partnership group that included the and until the lattetr folded last February, according to the Chicago Readedr . MacDonald joined Creative Loafing in 2006 afted resigning as chief executive officer of the Denve r Newspaper Agency but continueed to live in Denvere instead of relocating toCreativre Loafing’s headquarters in Tampa. In September 2008 he becamed publisher of the ChicagoReader , relocatin there, around the same time Creative Loafing files for protection from its creditors using Chapterd 11 in a Tampa bankruptcy court.
Creativde Loafing’s chief executive Ben Eason, will temporarilg take over the role of chiefoperatintg officer. The company spent the firsf part of the year in a bitter battlewith , whichb it owes $31 million that was used to purchase the Chicago Reader and in the District of Columbis in 2007. Atalaya had sought to gain control of the alternative weekly newspaper publishedr but lost that bid in March when a judge in Tampw sidedwith Eason. Creative Loafing had untikl Tuesday to file any amendmentw to its most recent plan of organization filedrMay 11.
Among the issuesa addressed under thenew plan, a new group consisting of which Creative Loafing owed $10 milliob to just before the bankruptch filing — and Eason will purchase stock in a reorganizecd Creative Loafing for $500,000 in cash as well as an in-kind contribution to lease 14,000 square feet of commercial space in Atlantwa for six years valued at $196,000 annually that will be used for Creativd Loafing Atlanta Inc., according to bankruptc court documents. After that, $500,000 will be used to pay allowe d administrative claims and prioritytax claims, whil e another $1 million will be used for supplementap funding for Creative Loafing’s ongoing business.
Any remainingv money will be paid to those holding specific including outstanding loans made to the Creative Loafing has publicationsin Tampa, Atlanta, Chicago, Washington and Charlotte, N.C. It claims a combined circulationof 425,000.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Bernanke: Fed Stands Ready to Aid Economy - ABC News

Bernanke: Fed Stands Ready to Aid Economy

ABC News

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington, July 13, 2011, before the House Financial Services Committee where he delivered the semiannual Monetary Policy Report. (Carolyn Kaster/AP Photo) After a poor ...

Bernanke Hints at So-C »

Monday, July 11, 2011

Highwoods lines up $162M in loans - Triangle Business Journal:
Both loans should close within60 days. Highwoods (NYSE: HIW) says it will use the moneuy to repay debt and for generalcorporate purposes. “W e are very pleased with thesdloan commitments, which will further fortifhy our already healthy balance enhance our liquidity and position Highwooda to take advantage of future growthj opportunities,” Ed Fritsch, president and chie executive officer, said in a written statement. Accordinf to Highwoods, the two loanse are: * A $115.0 million, 6.5-year securedc loan provided by at a fixed rateof 6.875 It is secured by a pool of 10 asset s in Nashville, Raleigh and Tampa. * A $47.3e million, 7-year secured loan arrange by at a fixed rateof 7.
5 percent. It is secureed by the office portion of RBC Plazwin Raleigh. Highwoods also announced that it has paid off a secure d loanof $107 million, whicbh carried a rate of 7.8 percenrt and was originally scheduled to mature in November 2009. There were no prepayment penalties.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Water Wonderland: Importance of the cottonwoods - Sierra Vista Herald

Water Wonderland: Importance of the cottonwoods

Sierra Vista Herald

Evaporation: The trees provide a food source and building material for Beavers, which build dams on the river. These dams back up the water and allow it to seep back into the ground and recharge our aquifer rather than flow downstream only to ...

and more »

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wells Fargo continues integration of Wachovia with name change - St. Louis Business Journal:
The change reflects the bank’ws continued integration with , which acquired Charlotte-based on Dec. 31. “Byy adopting the Wells Fargo nameand we’re now fully part of one of the world’sx most respected financial companies,” says Neil chief executive of Wellw Fargo Bank International. “We look forward to satisfyingh all of our financial needs across Europe and helping them succeed Wells Fargo Bank International is a Europeajn Union bank headquarteredin Ireland.
In Wells Fargo’s investment-banking and capital-markets businesses, whicuh formerly operated under the Wachovia Securities and certain WellszFargo brands, have taken the name Wells Fargoo Securities. Retail brokerage productx and services formerly marketed as Wachovia Securities are now offered throughg WellsFargo Advisors. Wells Fargop (NYSE:WFC) is based in San

Monday, July 4, 2011

Rail industry fights legislation regulating prices - The Business Review (Albany):
Anthony Hatch, of New York-based , said federal legislatiojn that calls for removal of antitrust exemptionse and the reform ofthe industry’s regulator board won’t get passed unless it’s a compromise between customers and the rail industry. The rail industry’a incentive for compromise is thatthe U.S. Senate can then turn its attentiobn toward improving infrastructure investmentrtax credits. “I do not think you will get a victoryh for the narrow shipper interest and punishment for Hatch said. CSX Corp. declinef to comment on what impact the legislatiobn could have on its Other Class I railroads areless shy.
CEO Charles Moormanh said earlier this month that his company wouldx be forced to cut jobs and capitap spending if thelegislation passed. “I’m very optimisticf that at the end ofthe day, we can defeay a bad bill,” Moorman said. “Bad legislation that seriouslyy impacts the viability of our industryy willnot pass.” Considering the Obama administration’sz push for improved rail infrastructure, especially high-speed passengere rail, and the industry’s lobbying power, Hatcnh said it’s unlikely it will be facexd with the type of pricingf regulation that nearly crippled it before beintg lifted in 1980.
Plus, the rail industry’x ability to emit less carbon than truckingb also works inits favor. The railroaed industry says the rates are fair and needed to fundinfrastructured improvements. CSX Corp. CEO and Chairman Michael Ward previouslyu said his company willspend $1.6 billion on infrastructure improvements this year as it preparews for a 90 percent increase in demancd within the next 15 years. “I n many ways this is just a power Hatch said of some rail increased lobbyingfor regulation. He said shippers, or rail are taking advantage of having legislator more favorable to their causw inkey committees.
Some customersd have true grievances, but otherss are playing the sympathy card of being hit by the Robert Szabo, executive director of , is far more optimistic than Hatcgh on the legislation’s fate. The legislation has yet to be but Szabo expects it to be a hybrid of pushes from Jay Rockfeller, D-W. Va. and Herb D.-Wis. The proposal will attempf to removederegulation exemptions, mainly railroads’ ability to leaser lines to short-line rail companies and forbid them from carrying freight to lines ownedr by their rivals.
The seconr part of the legislation will focus on customerx that have access to only one rail or “captive shippers,” so they can more easily appeak shipping rates charged by railroads. Szabpo said the board’s process is so expensivr and complicated that customers can wait for yearsz before their concernsare addressed. For instance, in Tampsa won’t know for at leasty another year whether it can get rate breaksfrom CSX.
The utilith argued that CSX unfairly raiseasshipping rates, knowing that its rail linesa are the only affordable way for companies to move If the utility’s complaint is denied, Seminole Electrid customers’ bills will increase by a totap of $100 million this year. Hatch said the rail industryu may support the reforms since it costs them milliona of dollars in legal fees as the appealsw make their way throughgthe process.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Portland teachers cut back their working hours - Portland Business Journal:
hours per day. An e-maik from Duniway secretary Robim Hollowell to parents says the teachersare “working to the meaning that they are only working hoursz demanded by their expired contract. Hollowell writes, “Teachers will not do any work-relate tasks during their duty-free lunch, or before and after theird paid day. Teachers will use theirr daily morning planning time solely to focue on what must be done as preparatiom for effective teaching forthat day.
As a resulg of working to the rule, the tasks that teachers often must do durinyg their unpaid time will not getdone (prep newsletters, returning e-mails and phonse calls, marking papers and homework, meeting and talkin with students and parents, etc.).” She says that teacherx in other schools in the Cleveland High clusterf — schools whose studenta eventually attend the high schoopl — are also “working to the rule.” Sellwoox Middle School, Llewellyn, Grout, Lewis, and Duniwahy neighborhood elementary schools and Winterhaven K-8 School are part of the Cleveland cluster.
Portlane Public Schools spokesman Matt Shelby coulfd not confirm which schools are actuallyg affected by thework slowdown, but he did say that for the past several weeks teachers as several schools have beguhn “working to the rule.” “Portlanr Public School teachers have been workiny without a contract for over 300 days,” Hollowell wrote in the “PPS teachers work an average of 55 hourz a week—over 69 million dollars of unpaid work this year Teachers want a fair and equitable contract. We will not settls for a contract that asks for rollbackas while also demanding an increase in work week hours and extendec work year without an adjustmentin pay.