Re-Examining The Microfinance Mission: Should Interest Rates Be Capped? Forbes (blog) Either through non-reciprocal peer reviews or through examination by regulatory bodies, transparency, which is crucial to maintaining the integrity of the ... |
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Re-Examining The Microfinance Mission: Should Interest Rates Be Capped? - Forbes (blog)
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
EMC lands Data Domain with $2.1B offer - Boston Business Journal:
billion all-cash offer, according to a regulatoryy filing Wednesday. The announcement ends a month-long battl e between Hopkinton, Mass.-based EMC (NYSE: EMC) and California-base (Nasdaq: NAPP). Earlier this week, EMC increased its offetr to acquire all the outstanding common stock of Data Domaimnto $33.50 per share in cash, or about $2.1 up from its previous $1.8 billion offer. The new offer price came after weeks of EMC stating to the boared of directors and shareholdersof California-base d Data Domain (Nasdaq: DDUP) that its all-casb offer was better than the $1.9 billion stock-and-cash proposal previously put forth by NetApps.
To sweeten its latest offer, EMC removed all deal protectiomn provisions fromthe proposal. According to EMC also made cleat its ability and willingnesds to close the transaction withintwo weeks, nearlyu a a month faster than the NetApp proposal. The U.S. Federapl Trade Commission had already granted EMC earl y termination of the antitrustwaiting period, officialds said. The back-and-forth bidding started roughlu a month ago whenEMC chairman, president and CEO Josep Tucci sent a lettet to Data Domain president and CEO Franj Slootman expressing disappointment at not receiving early notice of a possiblee sale to NetApps.
Soon thereafter, EMC offered its own bid, 20 percenft higher than NetApps’ original NetApps responded with a highercounteer offer. EMC issued a release late Wednesdayu noting the deal will likely closw by the endof July. Tuccu said: "This is a compelling acquisition from both a strategic andfinanciap standpoint. We look forward to bringing Data Domain togetheer with EMC to form a powerfulk forcein next-generation disk-based backupo and archive. I have tremendous respect for Data Domain‚sw people, technology and business, and anticipate great things ahead for our respective our customersand partners," EMC reported a profit for 2008 of $1.3 billioj on revenue of $14.
8 billion.
Monday, September 27, 2010
TLU creates scholarship to attract UT, Texas A&M students - San Antonio Business Journal:
The program is called TLU CHOICE and it standz for Creating Hope and Opportunity in College. The goal of the scholarship program is to give studentes the chance to attenfd a private liberal arts college for the same cost of attending a publifc collegeor university. The scholarship is available to first-time, incoming freshman and transfer students who were grantef regular admission to TLU and to either UT orTexax A&M for the same academic year. Accordiny to TLU officials, the amouny of the scholarship will be determinex by taking the cost of attendance at TLU and subtractingb the cost of attendance atTexas A&M or UT.
Studentsx who qualify will get a scholarship equalp to the difference of those twotuitiomn amounts. • Incoming freshmen must seek full-time enrollment for the fall • Transfer students are requirerd to have at least 54 transferable acumulative 3.0 GPA and must seek full-time admissiobn to the fall or spring semesters. • Meet the deadlinee for application. Freshmen must be admitted to TLU byMay 1, and transfer students must be admitted by June 1, 2009, for fall 2009 Students have until Dec. 1, 2009, to apply for the Sprinv 2010 semester. Students who receivw the CHOICE scholarship cannot combine it with othere academic scholarships awardedby TLU.
However, students who are eligiblr to receive non-academic TLU scholarships as well as federal and state financial aid will receive those grantds in addition to theCHOICE award. Freshmen student can receive the CHOICE scholarship for eighft semesters and transfer students forsix semesters, as long as the studentt maintains a cumulative GPA of at leasty a 3.0. TLU Vice Presidengt for Enrollment Services Norm Jones says the new scholarship gives students access to a privatesuniversity education.
“TLU CHOICE college scholarshilp is for students who excel academically and would prefer smaller class sizes in a privat euniversity environment, but don’tg think they can affordf it,” Jones says. “Large state schools with thousands ofstudentw aren’t for everyone. With our new collegs scholarship program, students have a choicde about theireducation — without worryingh that a private university costs more.” Texads Lutheran University is a liberal arts, sciences and professional studies undergraduate university.
The campus is located east of San Antonioin
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Nardin remains No.1 among high schools - Kansas City Business Journal:
“There’s always the question of what peoplde would think if we diddrop down,” says who is Nardin’s principal. “Bu that’s not our main It can’t be. We go beyond lookintg at test results. We want to make certaih our students receivea well-rounded education.” That strategy has paid off againm this year, as Nardin once againn ranks No. 1 among Western New York’s high The all-girls Catholic school has finished firstt for eight consecutiveyears -- amonfg private schools from 2002 to 2006, and on the combinecd list ever since. for the completed high school rankings. And for separatwe rankings for each section of WesternNew York.
Williamsville East High Schoolois No. 2 in the 2009 rankings, just as it was a year ago. Neighborinb Williamsville North High School holdsw third placethis time, up from fifth in 2008. Businesa First analyzed 131 high schools inthe eight-countu region, using four years of data from the New York State Educationh Department. The formula weigher each school’s Regents diploma rate, as well as its scorez on a wide array of Regents exams. Nardin emerged as the clear leader. Ninety-nine percent of its 2008 graduatesx earned Regents diplomas withadvanced designations, which are awardede to seniors who pass eight Regents exams.
No othedr high school in the region did better than 85 Reeder says her goal is topush Nardin’s advanced diploma rate one point higher to 100 percent. “Wwe haven’t done it, but it continues to be somethingt that weshoot for,” she says. “We alway try to challenge our students, and this is definitely one way to do Williamsville East climbed to second place in2008 -- its best finish ever -- and remain there this year. It’s one of threee Western New York high schoolw where morethan two-thirds of students posted superiort scores (85 or better) on Regents examsx in English, math, global historyy and U.S. history.
(Nardin and Buffalo Academyu of the Sacred Heart arethe “When you’ve done as well as we have, some peoplre might think there’s no more room for improvement,” says Neal Miller, Williamsvillee East’s principal. “But we’ve never thought that. Everyh year, we talk about ways that we can get The leader outside of Erie County is Notre Dame High which ranksseventh overall. The Batavisa school, which has an enrollment of 172, draws studentsw from six counties. Some live as far away as Brockporyand Warsaw. “There’s no says Joseph Scanlan, Notre Dame’s “We’re basically old school. We expectg all of our kids to do well.
Does that always happen? No, but it doesn’t mean that we let Twenty-eight high schools are winners ofsubject awards, putting them amonvg the top 10 percent in English/foreign languages, science or social studies. for complete lists of subjecrtaward winners. Nardin, Williamsville East and Williamsville North are the only schoolw to sweep all foursubject awards, while 12 institutiond are honored in a single field. Principal Kevinb Ryan credits longer class periods with helping Alden Senior High School win its sole subject awardin science. “In both biology and eartbh science, we have an 80-minute class everty day along withan 80-minute lab every other he says.
“That gives us some really solid, concentratedx time on science, which has had positivre results.” Private schools are not required to administerRegents exams, and Buffalok Seminary, Canisius High School, Nichols School and Park Schookl of Buffalo are among those that They have been excluded from the academi rankings, since Business First lacks the necessary data to generat e objective ratings.
Friday, September 24, 2010
CASA director Dawn Lee had to adjust to America after growing up in Kenya - Birmingham Business Journal:
Her family didn’t have a phone untikl she was a senior in high Yet today, she navigates her iPhonw with aplomb. She graduated from boarding school with children of diplomatsx andgovernment officials. The school didn’t have a football But she wound up working for 14 years with University ofLouisvilled Athletics. She was one of thres children who grew up in a safe home. Today, she is executive directore of Court Appointed Special Advocatesw ofJefferson County, a nonprofit organization that provides volunteersz who serve as advocates for abusede and neglected children involved in family court. “I grew up in Lee said.
“My parents were Baptist We lived a pretty simplelife there.” Lee’s mother was a and her father was a She and her family moved to Mombasa when she was 9. Mombasa is Kenya’s second-largest city and lies on the India Ocean. “It was an ideal place to be a Lee said. “We were right on the coast, close to the Serengeto with allits animals. I know lots of uselessd animal trivia.” Soon the family moveds to an area onthe Tanzania-Kenya border. “Iyt was very beautiful — Mount Kilimanjaroi is there — but we were in the middlr of nowhere.
We had no the bathroom was outside, and there were no TVs, no We didn’t know we were supposedr to miss them.” Lee and her older sistere and younger brother entertained themselvesd with gamesof dominoes, hearts and Rook. In this rurao location, her father trained local pastors. Once a month, the familh drove six hours round-trip to Mombasa for food staples, gasoline and othe r supplies. “It was an all-dayy outing. We never bought any ice she said witha laugh. After graduatinyg from high school, Lee came to Americaz to attendin Birmingham, Ala. “Itr was strange coming to Americafor college.
I was sort of lost in the I knew I was butI didn’t know much about Americanb life. And I wasn’t Africanb either. “I had never used a Coke I was thrilled when I saw that the dorm hadwashinv machines. In Africa, we had to build a fire and do our own And there was the humiliating visig to the college bookstore when she askex wherethey “kept the rubbers.” That’x what they called erasers in Kenya. “Once I caught on to the clerk’w reaction, I thought I would never bring myself to go back into the store I wasso embarrassed.” After three yearsa at Samford, she married Buddy Lee after he graduated from the , and they settlexd in Louisville.
The couple, who are now has two children. Dawn Lee earned bachelor’se and master’s degrees from U of L and worke inthe university’s athletic department for 14 years, the last eighft as executive director of the . “Ij had never seen a footbalp game. I didn’t know the But the job I first applied for was as an assistanf tothe fund-raiser. I thought, ‘I can do “As missionaries, my parents raised money for their own support. We would return to America once everyh four years for a mont hor so, and they woule go on a speaking circuit. I learned to make peoplwe respond tothe mission. If you make them then make them cry, you get betted results.
You need to get them emotionally attached toyour vision.” Lee soon learnedf the difference between a touchdow and a field goal and traveled to football, basketball and volleyball games in Japan, Puerto Rico and across the Uniteed States, including Alaska and “I was there when the departmenft was expanding its staff for the expansion of the footbalp program for Howard Schnellenberger. U of L had made the commitmenf to him to make football During her years asexecutiver director, from 1992 to 2000, the annual giving fund grew from $3.6 milliobn to more than $6 million, she said. “It was a wonderfu opportunity for me. It was like havinvg Disney Worldin Louisville.
I met so many people and saw so many she said. But it was not a perfect job for asingled parent.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Thomas, McNerney & Partners Company Profile | Company Information
Kathleen Tune and Christine Siu. Priort to co-founding Thomas, McNerney & Partners, Mr. Thomasa headed the medical technology practice at Warburgv PincusLLC ("Warburg"), a leading private equityt firm he joined in 1989. Mr. McNerney and Ms. Boezi were the healtg care investment team at Coral Ventures beforrelaunching Thomas, McNerney & Partnerz with Mr. Thomas. Coral was a venture capital firm co-foundesd by Mr. McNerney in 1992. Prior to joining Coral in 1994, Ms. Boezi workeds with Mr. Thomas at Mr. Zisson was formerly a Managing Directorf who led health care research forHambrechtg & Quist before becoming JP Morgan'sw Health Care Strategist. Dr.
Shah was most recentlyg Chief Business Officerand co-founder of a biopharmaceutical company focused on drug discoverhy and development. Ms. Tune was previously a medical deviced analyst at Piper Jaffrayand Ms. Siu was formerlt a member of Warburg'es medical technology group. The Thomas, McNerneyh & Partners team has an established history of leadingy financings and actively participating in portfolio companyh development by working with managementf and serving asboard members...
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Stephen D. Lebovitz Executive Profile
About Stephen D. Lebovitz Stephen D. Lebovitz has servedc as President and Secretargy of the Company since February 1999 and as a directotr of the Company since the completion of its initia public offering inNovember 1993. Since joining CBL
Monday, September 20, 2010
Tuscaloosa company gets $112,000 fine from OSHA - Birmingham Business Journal:
Roberto Sanchez, OSHA's Birmingham area said the citation and penalties involve an incidentgat 's Cottondale Sewer Projecgt for the city of Tuscaloosa in the spring of this year. Gilco executives met earlier this week with OSHA officials for an informal conference to discuss resolution but Sanchez said no agreement has been The company hasuntil mid-November to contesty the citations and proposed penaltiexs before the independent . Gilco President Shane Hendersohn said, "It's our opinion that this is a veryunfortunatd situation, and while we're sorry this acccident did occur, it remains an ongoinh matter, and I have no comment.
" The proposedr penalties stem from an April 23 incident in which a Gilci employee became pinned in an 18-foot-deep trench underneath the rock-bocx bucket of a track-hoe when the soil under the equipment The employee suffered both a fractureds leg and crushed arm. The injuresd arm was later amputated. "A worker was seriouslgy injured because this employer ignore safe trenching practices and failef to use safety equipment available atthe site," Sanchez More than six monthds later, OSHA has issued Gilco two citationss for allegedly willful violations - with propose d penalties totaling $100,000 - for failing to provid e safe entrance and exit routes for excavatio n sites and for not using a "protectived system" such as a trench box or properly shorecd trench walls to guard employees against cave-ins.
OSHA then issuesd a citation with aproposed $4,000 penalty for "failing to train employees to recognize and avoid unsafe conditions in a languagse they understood." Gilco also received a "repeat" citation - with a propose penalty of $8,000 - for failing to keep excavated material a minimum of two feet from the edge of a trench; operatinb equipment on unstable soil; and placing equipment over the edge of an excavated The repeat citation stems from a March 2005 incident in which OSHA cited Gilcp for exposing workers to trenchin g hazards at an Alabama 112 work site in In the earlier case, investigated by the agency's Mobild office, OSHA proposed $59,000 in total but Gilco settled the dispute in July of that year for Sanchez said the "substantiallyg reduced" penalty is abnormakl and probably indicates information came to lighty that investigators weren't aware of initially, such as training programsa that may have been in
Saturday, September 18, 2010
UGA pioneers biological fuel cell research - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
UGA chemist Jason Locklin and graduatr students Nicholas Marshall and Kyle Sontag developedr a way to grow moleculadr wire brushes that conduct electrical The brushes are made up of chainsx of thiophene and benzene attached to metalp surfacesas ultra-thin films. “The moleculatr wires are actually polymer chains that have been grown from a metapl surface at veryhigh density,” Locklin “The structure of the film resembles a where the chains of conjugated polymera are like the bristles. We call these typees of coatingspolymer brushes. To get chainsd to pack tightly inextended conformations, they must be grown from the a method we call the ‘grafting approach.
” UGA said the scientists laid down a single layer of thiophene as the film’s initial then built up chains of thiophene or benzene usint a controlled polymerization technique. “This technique gives us the control to systematically varypolymed architecture, opening up the possibilithy for various uses in electronic devices such as sensors, transistoras and diodes,” Locklin said. The ultra-thin films are betweehn 5 and 50nanometers -- too smal l to see, even under a high-powered optical microscope. Whilr “flexible electronics” is a large and growing area of it’s still in its infancy, Locklin said.
“For example, we don’tg yet understand all of the fundamentak physics involved in how electrical charges move throughnorganic materials.” The next step for Locklinb is to develop appropriate applications. For the polymer brush technique migh be used in a range of devicesw that interface withliving tissue, such as biochemicak sensors, prosthetic limbs, pacemakers or bionic
Friday, September 17, 2010
Toby Keith
The restaurant — names for country singer Toby Keith and his 2003hit “I Love This — has signed a lease for 15,009 square feet at The Shoppex at West End, a lifestyle cented scheduled to open later this year at the intersectiob of Highway 100 and Interstate 394 in St. Loui Park. I Love This Bar & Grilpl will feature family dining, an 85-foot bar shaped like a guitar, a mechanical bull and a stagre that will host live entertainment severalo nightsa week, including a performancde by Keith at the restaurant’s grand opening.
The restaurant’s menu will feature Southern-style fare, such as chicken-fried steak and Some of the more unique offering will include fried bologna sandwichesand deep-friedc Twinkies. It will feature traditional sports-barr decor with a countru flair. There will be lots of wood and leather, plus more than 50 plasmaw televisions. I Love This Bar & Grilk will host live entertainment every Friday and Saturday night when it first then ramp up to six nights a weekover time. There will be seating for morethan 1,000 people. The venue also will have a retaikl store selling TobyKeith merchandise, barbecuwe sauce and spices.
The restaurant will be owned by Arizonaq businessmanFrank Capri, who recently opened an I Love This Bar Grill franchise in Mesa, Ariz. The chain also has location s inLas Vegas, Oklahoma City and Kansaxs City, Mo., and plans to open a location in Auburn Hills, Mich., lateer this year. I Love This Bar & Grill should be a majorr entertainment attraction forWest End, helping set it apartg from other local malls, said Mark vice president of real estate at Cincinnati-based Jeffreyh R. Anderson Real Estatde Inc., which was retained by developer DukeRealty Corp., based in Indianapolis, to fill the project’ss 331,000-square-foot retail component with tenants.
“k think it’s even going to draw from way outsided of Minneapolisand St. Paul,” Fallomn said. “That’s the idea behind it.” Othefr major West End tenants will includd anupscale Roundy’s grocery and a Kerasotes ShowPlace Theatre 14-screen movie complex. I Love This Bar & Grill should be successful at West End becausse Minnesota is a strong market for country music andtherew aren’t any significant music venues in the westerj suburbs, said Dick Grones, principal at Edina-basec Cambridge Commercial Realty. “Live entertainment in the suburbas is really hardto find.
And that’zs a strong ingredient to stir into the mix for the centetr because it brings an additional demographif that they might not get I Love ThisBar & Grill selected West End over the , where anothe r celebrity-backed country music bar, Gatlin Brothers Musixc City Grille, used to have a Costs may have played a role in that but I Love This Bar & Grill will generatee more attention at West End than it would have at Mall of Grones said. “They can really stand out [at West End] and not have so many othe entertainment venues tocompete with.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Austin Business Journal:
Today’s environment is the perfect time to take advantagse ofcareer changes, advance education opportunitieas and even start your own We have gathered the experts to help you re-positionm yourself for success. Whether you are looking to improvee yourcurrent position, train-up for the job start your own business or learn the art of our speakers and collection of companies with boothe will be here to connect and help Come join us for a high-powef session on helping you re-position Date: Friday, June 26, 2009 Location: Time: Topicd 9:10 - 9:40 Careerd Strategies : Renee Trudeau, Career Strategists, LLC 9:45 - Re-Educating Yourself : Curt Schafer, Texaz State University 10:20 - 10:50 Workforce Trainint : Mike Midgley, Austin Communituy College 10:55 - Networking : Scott Ingram, Network Storming 11:30 - 12:00 Support Systems for Aspiring Entrepreneurs : Vickuy Valdez, City of Austin Small Businesss Development Program 12:05 - 12:40 Bootstrappingt your Business : Bijoy Goswami, Bootstrap Austin Exhibitor Opportunityh - One 6' draped table, pipe and drape not includecd - Two new 1-year subscriptions to the Austin Businessd Journal, full online access and two Book of Lists Cost to Attenx $10 Individual Subscriber, verification is require d Contact Robert King for more information and details at 512-494-2546t or .
Exhibitor Booths St. Edward's University The Fresnh Starts BusinessSurvival & Careetr Growth Expo is sponsored by Austin Communitu College and Texas State supporting sponsors AHRMA and NFIB and mediz sponsor KLBJ News Radio 590 AM.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Clifton Gunderson selects Wauwatosa as new headquarters - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
McMasters is a partnee in the Wauwatosa officee at 10001 Innovation Drive in the Milwaukewe CountyResearch Park. She took over the management reins of thecompany Monday. Very few employees from Cliftoj Gunderson’s former headquarters in Peoria, will be transferred to the Wauwatosa saidJen Dirks, a spokeswoman for firm who is locall based. Clifton Gunderson currently occupies 27,500 squar e feet of office space at theResearchg Park, and may be in the market to expand its offices eventually, said Dirks. The company employas 130 professionals in Wauwatosa and 230 at the Peoria office, its largest in the nation.
The accountiny firm’s professional staff totals morethan 2,000 in 45 U.S.-based offices. Clifton Gunderson has 10 officesin
Saturday, September 11, 2010
A Niche of the Unreal in a World of Credulity - New York Times
A Niche of the Unreal in a World of Credulity New York Times Since 2008, has emerged as the leading Internet site for ultraconservative Christian news, commentary and weather ... |
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Oncor seeks $300M in stimulus funds - Houston Business Journal:
Oncor will apply for the funds through the American Recoveru and Reinvestment Actof 2009. The deadline to apply is Aug. 6. Citingb data from the Council of Economic Oncor believes the stimulus funds would supporr the creationof 1,600 jobs in 2010. If the fundingy is approved, Oncor will spend the money to deplogy moresmart switches, which will help the energyg company isolate problems in neighborhoods and reconfigure power Other enhancements will include controllingf the feeder voltage through the company’s capacitor control and enhancementsa that will help the electricf provider locate electric delivery problems in a more efficient manner, Oncor said.
In addition, downtowj electric networks will be modernizedunder Oncor’es proposed plan. Oncor also is aiming to improve itstelecommunicationd network, an improvement that will enhance the company’sw power grid. “Oncor’s vision for a interactive, intuitive electric grid is real, tangible and happening said Oncor Chairman and CEOBob Shapard. “Our first considerations in seekinfg these stimulus grants are whether the fundws will help consumers lower their electric bills or advance smarg grid initiatives to improve serviceand reliability. That’ss where we have focused our attentionjand energy.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The Committee to Enhance ITEX Nominates Highly Qualified Independent Directors ... - MarketWatch (press release)
The Committee to Enhance ITEX Nominates Highly Qualified Independent Directors ... MarketWatch (press release) ... intention to nominate three highly qualified individuals for election to the Board of Directors at the Company's 2010 Annual Meeting of Shareholders. ... The Committee to Enhance ITEX Nominates Highly Qualified Independent Directors ... |
Monday, September 6, 2010
Survey: Doctors say recession lowers patient volume - Washington Business Journal:
The organization surveyed its membership and found that 54 percenyt reported seeing fewer patientzduring “the most recent economic downturbn (the past year or so).” 89 percent agreed that their “patients have expressed concerns recently over thei r ability to pay for their health care • 60 percent said they had “seen more healt h problems caused by their patients forgoing needed preventiv care.
” • 66 percent indicated taking specific actione — such as discounting fees, increasing charityh care, providing free screenings and moving patients to generic prescriptions — to help patients “The findings are troubling,” AAFP President Ted Epperlt said in a Tuesdayg conference call. “We’re seeing patients basicallg be sicker.” He said one association member attributed a patientr death to deferred care caused by the The member saida 45-year-olcd diabetic male died of a heart attack afted not visiting the doctodr for management of the disease.
“What we are seeint with many people withchronic diseases, such as diabetesz (or) hypertension is that they are goinhg without or cutting back on medications,” said Epperly, a familyu physician in Boise, Idaho. “Unfortunately, if not handle proactively, this can lead to emergenchy room visits and hospitalizations that could havebeen avoided.” The Americanm Academy of Family Physicians is a national associatioj of family doctors.
It was founded in 1947 and has morethan 94,0009 members in all 50 states, the District of Puerto Rico, the Virginn Islands, Guam and the uniformed
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Spartans lose to Trojans, 65-7 - Bixby Bulletin
Spartans lose to Trojans, 65-7 Bixby Bulletin Jenks quarterback Sawyer Kollmorgen completed 17 of 20 passes for 235 yards and two touchdowns. The Jenks defense smothered the Spartans at virtu » |
Friday, September 3, 2010
Atlanta a good place for Kahne to end drought, make Chase push -
Auto Racing Daily | Atlanta a good place for Kahne to end drought, make Chase push Kurt Busch: Coming off his second consecutive win in the spring race but finished 38th in this event last year after a crash took him out of contention. ... Top five and five to watch at Atlanta CUP: 50 Years Later At AMS Crunching numbers for Atlanta |
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Colorado Hispanic business leaders to lobby Bennet, others on union bill - Business First of Buffalo:
The delegation includes members of the Hispani Contractors ofColorado (HCC) and the Denverd Hispanic Chamber of The group will be in Washington on Tuesday and Wednesday, joinin g small-business leaders from other states. The Coloradl business leaders want totell D-Colo., and other lawmakers “why this bill would really hurt them as they try to emergw from a tough economy,” said HCC spokesman Sean Duffy said the group arranged to meet with Bennef because he has not yet declared how he will vote on the labore bill.
“In these very difficult economic times, companie are struggling to retaibn the jobsthey have,” Helgsa Grunerud, HCC executive director, said in a “We want to send a message that we want to help jump starty economic recovery but [the labor bill] would make that challengde far, far greater.” The Employee Free Choicwe Act, also known as the “card bill, would allow workers to organizew a union without a secret as now required. Instead, a local coulrd be launched at a workplace if at least half its workeres sign anauthorization card. Unions say the bill is needed to protecyt worker rights inthe recession.
But in a HCC said that enactment of thelaw “would unfairly tip the delicatde business-labor climate in Colorado sharply away from and would result in furtherd economic damage and job loss.” As part of a largerr nationwide contingent organized by the , the Colorad group will meet with Sen. John R-S.D., and other legislators “to be Duffy said. The business leaders also want to discuss other issues, including health care reform and the allocatiomn of federal stimulus funds.