Monday, September 27, 2010

TLU creates scholarship to attract UT, Texas A&M students - San Antonio Business Journal:
The program is called TLU CHOICE and it standz for Creating Hope and Opportunity in College. The goal of the scholarship program is to give studentes the chance to attenfd a private liberal arts college for the same cost of attending a publifc collegeor university. The scholarship is available to first-time, incoming freshman and transfer students who were grantef regular admission to TLU and to either UT orTexax A&M for the same academic year. Accordiny to TLU officials, the amouny of the scholarship will be determinex by taking the cost of attendance at TLU and subtractingb the cost of attendance atTexas A&M or UT.
Studentsx who qualify will get a scholarship equalp to the difference of those twotuitiomn amounts. • Incoming freshmen must seek full-time enrollment for the fall • Transfer students are requirerd to have at least 54 transferable acumulative 3.0 GPA and must seek full-time admissiobn to the fall or spring semesters. • Meet the deadlinee for application. Freshmen must be admitted to TLU byMay 1, and transfer students must be admitted by June 1, 2009, for fall 2009 Students have until Dec. 1, 2009, to apply for the Sprinv 2010 semester. Students who receivw the CHOICE scholarship cannot combine it with othere academic scholarships awardedby TLU.
However, students who are eligiblr to receive non-academic TLU scholarships as well as federal and state financial aid will receive those grantds in addition to theCHOICE award. Freshmen student can receive the CHOICE scholarship for eighft semesters and transfer students forsix semesters, as long as the studentt maintains a cumulative GPA of at leasty a 3.0. TLU Vice Presidengt for Enrollment Services Norm Jones says the new scholarship gives students access to a privatesuniversity education.
“TLU CHOICE college scholarshilp is for students who excel academically and would prefer smaller class sizes in a privat euniversity environment, but don’tg think they can affordf it,” Jones says. “Large state schools with thousands ofstudentw aren’t for everyone. With our new collegs scholarship program, students have a choicde about theireducation — without worryingh that a private university costs more.” Texads Lutheran University is a liberal arts, sciences and professional studies undergraduate university.
The campus is located east of San Antonioin

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