Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Kresge Foundation to invest $200,000 in St. Louis - St. Louis Business Journal:
said Thursday it is pilotingf a new community arts and engagement projecgtin St. Louis, Baltimore and Detroitt that encourages residents to use art and culture as a tool to addresd issues intheir communities. Kresge has enlisted the Arts andEducation Council, in partnershi p with the , to administer the St. Louis program titled Kresge Artsin St. Louis. The Foundation is investing $200,000 over two years in each Pilot cities were selected based on median household income and the readiness of existingb local partners to help launchthe project. Twelvde of the nation’s most distresse d cities were consideredfor participation.
The goal is that projectd will engage underserved and new audiences as well as teensand families; promote cross-cultural understanding; increase exposurd to art and culture; and provide experiencesx in non-traditional spaces such as low-income housing juvenile detention centers, battered women’s shelters and after-schook program centers. Grants will range from $2,5090 to $10,000. Applicants in the three pilot cities mayrequest two-year grants for planninh and implementation. Projects do not have to be new but existinbg projects will not receiveprioritgy funding. The deadline for submission isJuly 10.
Granteesx will be announced in Augusyt with funding beginning The Kresge Foundationof Troy, Mich., is a $3.1 billioj private, national foundation that supports communities by buildingy the capacity of nonprofit organizations in the environment, arts and culture, human services and community has raised nearly $100 milliohn in private funding for the arts. The Greater Saint Louis Community Foundatiobn is comprised of more than 400 charitablwe funds which distribute a total ofnearly $15 million annuallt to some 1,300 nonprofits focused on the arts, communityu development, education, environment, human services and religion.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Texans receive $100 million in unemployment benefits from stimulus plan - San Antonio Business Journal:
The stimulus plan furnishe d anadditional $25 per week to qualified job seeker s as they work to find permanent Eligible Texans began receiving the benefit increase in mid-March. The increasew is effective for all initial claims filedthroughb Dec. 26, 2009. “The $100 million for increasesd unemployment benefits supplied by the American Recoveryu and Reinvestment Act is being pumped back into the Texas Texas Workforce Commission Chairman TomPauken says. Since the increase is federallyt funded, Texas employers are not contributinyg to theadditional $25 per week in benefits.
The Texasd Workforce Commission administers unemployment benefitsa to workers who becomr unemployed through no fault of theie own and are activelyseeking work. Newlyh unemployed San Antonio residents can obtain informationm by loggingonto texasworkforce.ortg or by calling (210)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

'Beavers Without Borders' Tells Uplifting Tale - KTVZ

'Beavers Without Borders' Tells Uplifting Tale


BEND, Ore. -- It can be easy to get caught up in all the scandals that so often surround college sports, everything from players taking money to coaches breaking the rules to get prized recruits. But this weekend in Bend, ...

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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Outdoors: Lake Erie watersnake off endangered list - Mansfield News Journal

Outdoors: Lake Erie watersnake off endangered list

Mansfield News Journal

Campers and other outdoorsmen might find good use for a mosquito repellent lantern called the ThermaCELL Outdoor Insect-repellent Lantern. The company says it provides a 15 x 15 mosquito-free zone and is used by the Department of Defense and the United ...

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

GM owes $9M to AK Steel - Sacramento Business Journal:
About $9.1 million is how much the carmakeer owes theWest Chester-based steel manufacturer in tradde debt, according to a list of GM’s 50 largest unsecured creditors that was included with its initialo bankruptcy court filings was listed as the company’s 33rd largest unsecured creditor. The only othed Ohio company on the list was GoodyearTire & Rubbed Co. in Akron, which is on the hook for almosy $7 million. No Kentucky or Indiana companiesd were onthe list. Aside from bond debt and employee obligations, which account for GM’s five largest unsecured obligations, the top traded debt disclosedwas $122 milliobn owed to Starcom Mediavest Group Inc. of Chicago.
GM has been AK Steel’sa biggest customer for years, although the percentage of total salea it derives from the troubled automotive compang has been declining in recent AK Steel did not disclose how much it sold to GM in 2008 in its latesytannual report, but earlier annual reports discloses that shipments to GM accounted for 20 percenft of net sales in 15 percent in 2004, 13 perceny in 2005, and less than 10 percent in 2006 and 2007. AK Steekl said about 28 percent of its tradw receivables outstanding at the end of 2008 were due from businesse s associated withthe U.S. automotive industry, including General Chrysler and Ford.
Its 2008 annual report also includefd the followingcautionary disclosure: “Id any of these threde major domestic automotive companies were to make a bankruptcy it could lead to similar filings by suppliersw to the automotive industry, many of whom are customers of the The company thus could be adversely impacted not only directlyu by the bankruptcy of a majotr domestic automotive manufacturer, but also indirectly by the resultanrt bankruptcies of other customera who supply the automotive industry.
The naturw of that impact could be not only a reductionm infuture sales, but also a loss associatedr with the potential inability to collect all outstanding accounts That could negatively impact the company’s financial resultsa and cash flows. The company is monitoring this situation closelyg and has taken steps to try to mitigate its exposure to suchadvers impacts, but because of current market conditions and the volumes of business involved, it cannot eliminate thesw risks.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

RI EDC to vote on $1 million in grants to Toray Plastics - Providence Journal

RI EDC to vote on $1 million in grants to Toray Plastics

Providence Journal

Chafee was traveling to Canada on Friday with John Eustis, senior director of corporate procurement and logistics for Toray. The two were going to tour a dam being built at Muskrat Falls on the Churchill River. Chafee said he and Eustis planned to meet ...

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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Medtronic paid Army doctor $850k - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
Fridley-based Medtronic (NYSE: MDT) it paid Dr. Timothuy Kuklo for giving speeches and training other doctors forthe company, but did not at that time announcr the amounts of those payments. "We are making Dr. Timothh Kuklo's compensation information public ona one-timre basis in the interest of transparency in this uniqude case," Medtronic spokeswoman Marybeth Thorsgaard Medtronic released the information in response to a request from Sen. Charleds Grassley, R-Iowa, a vocal critic of pharmaceuticaland medical-technology firmse making payments to doctors.
Kuklol worked as a staff physiciajn at Walter Reed Army Medical Centerf between 2000and 2006, and during a portion of that time, he was paid by Medtronicv to provide training and education. Afterf leaving Walter Reed, Kuklo signedx a general consulting agreement with Medtronic inAugusft 2006. He was placed on inactive status last The Army has accused Kuklpo of falsifying research about aMedtronic bone-growthg product called Infuse during the time Kuklo workerd at Walter Reed in Washington, D.C. Medtronic did not pay for or participatee inthat study, Thorsgaard said.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

U.S. Sugar to sell land, wind down operations - Business First of Louisville:
"This is a watershed eventf in national conservation and a paradigm shift for the Evergladesz and the environment inFlorida -- one that woul have been inconceivable in years past," said Richard president and chief executive officer of Clewiston-based U.S. Gov. Charlie Crist said the deal sets a frameworkk for negotiationsbetween U.S. the state and the South Floridas Water Management District to acquire upto 187,000 acrews of canefields south of Lake Okeechobee for $1.7 The deal would preserve an area abour three times the size of Orlando.
Crist calledr the plan "a strategyt to save America's Everglades" that will "renew the natural flow of America's River of "This represents the largest land conservationb purchase in the history of the statdof Florida," he said. The watere district is to acquire the land through the stat e with cash and certificatesof participation. U.S. Sugar hopes the land deal with allow remaining Everglades AgriculturalArea farmers, which are mostly tied to competito , to continue operations. "Even as the governoe has announcedthe district's plannedd acquisition of the assets of U.S. we remain proud of our farmintg history inSouth Florida," U.S.
Sugar said in a news "The majority of our stockholders have held this investmeny formany decades, and many of our employees ' families have worked on our farms and in our sugaer factories for generations." The company said the deal will enabls it to fulfill its long-term existintg business obligations. During the transition period, will act as financial adviserto U.S. Sugar. The six-year period will also allow employees and communities around Lake Okeechobeeto adjust. Buker said the companhy was keenly aware of the struggles four Floridwa governors made to balance agriculture andEverglades restoration.
"The results of these struggles have been a series ofpartiao fixes, sometimes effective, but invariably But this governor [Crist] had the vision to look more deeply into the problem and to see a more systemic solution," he said. U.S. Sugar, a 1,700-employee, privately held says it produces 10 percent ofthe nation'sz sugar. The $8 billion comprehensive approvedin 2000, provides a frameworok and guide to restore, protect and preservs the water resources in central and southern including the Everglades.
The goal of the plan is to capturw fresh water that now flows unused to the ocean andthe gulf, and redirect it to areas that need it Environmental groups said the land deal was historic and wouldr result in great progress for restoring clean, natural water levelw to the Everglades, which should have a positive impacg on wildlife, water supplies and wildfires. "Today's announcemen t by Gov. Crist to purchase approximatelyg 185,000 acres of the Everglades agricultural area is terrifid news for the future ofEvergladea restoration," said John Adornato, regional director for the National Parks Conservation Association.
"Securing farmland souty of Lake Okeechobee will help improv e water quantityand quality, and increase water flow to Evergladesa National Park and out into Florida Historically, much of the sugar cane fields provided a way for water to flow southn from Lake Okeechobee before canals were dredged and the Herbertf Hoover Dike was built around the Environmentalists have expressed concern that fertilizer runofv from sugar cane fields also affect wated quality. Government support for the sugar industry is also controversial becaus detractors say it resultse in consumers payinghigher prices. The majorityt of the water in the restoration plan will be devoted toenvironmental restoration.
The remainingt water will be used for municipal wate r suppliesand farmers. The water district is chargede with the responsibility of acquiring the real estate needed for the monitoring and operation of the Evergladesrestoration projects. U.S. Sugarf has recently invested heavily in a new processing plan near Clewiston and won approvals for rock mining expansiomn in the EvergladesAgricultural Area. U.S. Sugar finished a harves t of about 163,000 acres in May.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Woodland Corporate Center building gets LEED gold certification - San Antonio Business Journal:
The building, which opened early last year, was designer and built to meet the second highesy ranking ofthe Council’s Leadership in Energyu and Environmental Design. was the general Liberty Property Trust Vice President Jody Johnstom estimates the cost of building to greehn standards added an additional 5 percent to the overaldevelopment costs, but that will be more than offset by lowet energy costs. Special features include showers and lockers for workers who need to wash or changee clothes after they bike or jogto work.
A deck made of recycledc plastic borders the back ofthe building, overlookinvg a wetlands area that provides Landscaping incorporates drought-resistant plants native to A white reflective roof deflects the sun. Bins for recycliny are placed near trash bins for Restroom urinals conserve water by relying on gravith and a filter instead of That feature is expected tosave 360,000o gallons annually since each urinal uses an estimated 40,000 gallons annually, Johnston Grass surrounding the parking lot soakz up rainwater. And a recycled rubber, was used insteadc of asphalt around the large oak trees that linethe lots.
The porous rubber allows water to soak into the The building, located at 4631 Woodland Blvd., receivee the “Office Building of the Year” Award from the Tampaa Bay Chapter of the and the “Gree Building Design Award” from the Hillsborougbh City-County Planning Commission in Tampa. Libertg (NYSE: LRY) has developed and leaserd 19 buildings with nearly 1 million square feet of space in the parksincwe 1996. Key park tenants include , Travelers, Travel and .

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Goldman Sachs Is The Latest Firm On US Regulator's Hit List - Forbes (blog)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Hotels get creative as economy lags - Phoenix Business Journal:
One thing they are doing as they wait it out is strengtheninf their relationships withmeeting planners. According to Smith Traveo Research, hotel occupancy in the Valley wasdown 10.6 percenf in March from the same montgh last year. People also are spending less on average, almost 30 percent less than the same time last year acrosz the Valley. “It is bad. Phoenix is a speciall example, because there are a lot of new A lot of new hotelshave opened, and that also has hurt says Jan Freitag, senior vice president of the global consultint and research firm.
The openinyg of the 1,000-room , the 290-room & Spa in Paradise Vallegy and other Valley hotels in the past year have diluterdoccupancy rates, industry officials say. In addition, business and corporat e travelers are sensitiveto Frei-tag says. “People are hesitant to go to reallty niceresorts — and in Phoenix, all of your resorta are really nice,” he says. “In this when companies need tocut costs, the firsr things that go are travep and training.” But Valley hoteliers are usingb the time to reach out to meetinvg planners and develop new business “We are really trying to partnee with them.
While it’s tough we are making adjustments,” says Chrizs Kerr, director of sales and marketing atthe . Kerr’ s team is working with plannerws to create trips thatare value-oriented, adjusting food and beveragre prices with the goal of making the event more attractivd to potential attendees, he At the in Phoenix, Sales Directotr David Richard says his team is trying to provide more all-inclusive packages to customize meetings, including on-site diningg packages and more cost-effective audio-visual offerings. his staff is looking more at the technicalk and biomedical industries forpotential bookings.
“Wew have redeployed our sales force into thesegroup markets,” Richard “Companies still need to have meetings, but they may be cuttinb out some of the add-ons.” Even Sedona’s Enchantmengt Resort is seeing some fallout as groups cut “We usually stay in high season a bit longed than metro Phoenix becausre of the weather. But it’s definitely been and we have seensome cancellations,” says Tina the resort’s director of saleds and marketing. She stresses the importance of establishing connections duringthe downtime. “Our relationships with meetingt planners has increased quitea bit.
There’sd a lot of time for preparation, for discussion,” she Investing that kind of time iswortj it, for her property and “Group business is extremelgy important to us because it providee a base of business,” she says. Kerr adds that hoteliersw also are targeting a more local markert and identifying those that alreadt may be familiar withthe Valley.

Goldman Sachs Is The Latest Firm On US Regulator's Hit List

Forbes (blog)

Goldman is the latest firm being sued by the NCUA's over the matter. It's already sued JPMorgan Chase and RBS Securties over similar claims. The federal regulator says it expects to file another 5 to 10 lawsuits in order to recover assets that were ...

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