Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Kresge Foundation to invest $200,000 in St. Louis - St. Louis Business Journal:
said Thursday it is pilotingf a new community arts and engagement projecgtin St. Louis, Baltimore and Detroitt that encourages residents to use art and culture as a tool to addresd issues intheir communities. Kresge has enlisted the Arts andEducation Council, in partnershi p with the , to administer the St. Louis program titled Kresge Artsin St. Louis. The Foundation is investing $200,000 over two years in each Pilot cities were selected based on median household income and the readiness of existingb local partners to help launchthe project. Twelvde of the nation’s most distresse d cities were consideredfor participation.
The goal is that projectd will engage underserved and new audiences as well as teensand families; promote cross-cultural understanding; increase exposurd to art and culture; and provide experiencesx in non-traditional spaces such as low-income housing juvenile detention centers, battered women’s shelters and after-schook program centers. Grants will range from $2,5090 to $10,000. Applicants in the three pilot cities mayrequest two-year grants for planninh and implementation. Projects do not have to be new but existinbg projects will not receiveprioritgy funding. The deadline for submission isJuly 10.
Granteesx will be announced in Augusyt with funding beginning The Kresge Foundationof Troy, Mich., is a $3.1 billioj private, national foundation that supports communities by buildingy the capacity of nonprofit organizations in the environment, arts and culture, human services and community has raised nearly $100 milliohn in private funding for the arts. The Greater Saint Louis Community Foundatiobn is comprised of more than 400 charitablwe funds which distribute a total ofnearly $15 million annuallt to some 1,300 nonprofits focused on the arts, communityu development, education, environment, human services and religion.

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