Monday, October 25, 2010

Can I get a witness? - Washington Business Journal:
Now, before you order your marketingv team to plaster the quote of allquotexs everywhere, stop and take stock of just what that testimonial reallyy says about you and your Does it make a unique, quantifiable statemen t about how your work helpec the other business? Or does it have a certaim "We laughed, we cried, it was better than Cats" feel?? A quote should only be used "to show somethin g really new, versus what other people have to say abou t it," says Tina Bagapor-O'Harrow, presidenft of The Ad a D.C. advertising agency ( ). "Ift should show what's more, better or different." Anothedr thing to consider: Who's behind the words?
There's something to be said about the compangyyou keep. A few kinds words directly from the CEO of ahighlt respected, highly recognizable brand says something much different from threee gushing paragraphs by Bob, your-high-school-buddy-turned-client. If you do want to includs testimonials inyour materials, Len Johnson, president of in Fallxs Church ( ), suggests implementing standards surveys at the end of Use testimonials sparingly. Knowing how to employ testimonialzs is a bit like knowing the difference betweenb a dash and a pinch when cookinvgwith spices: Use a bit for flavor, but use too much and you spoil the taste.
No matter how you decide to usea it's a good idea to ask permission and an even bettetr idea to have that permission in writing. There' a whole separate story on thelegalk (and common sense) reasons for this. However, perhapsz none is as motivating as the thought of having to addresszyour client's surprise aftedr unexpectedly seeing a personal note in your ad. And you can quot us on that.

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