Saturday, June 25, 2011

Demand still there for logistics grads - Jacksonville Business Journal:
And in a job marketg where many collegegraduates can’t find much less jobs, finding a job that pays as much as $58,00 per year can be surreal. Abouft 90 percent of the graduates ofand ’ss logistics programs find jobs upon graduation. Part of the reasoh for their success is that there are only about 30 logistics programe inthe country, said Lynn who is associate director of UNF’s Transportatio and Logistics Flagship program. The other is that UNF’s prograjm has a reputation for not just teachinb students the theory of logistica but giving them the practica training so they can get workonce they’ve graduated.
UNF’zs program was ranked 13th in a September 2005 study by Suppl y ChainManagement Review, a trade magazine. University officials think they can do even bettetr and are betting that anew state-of-th art lab will help propel them closer to the top. The $330,0000 lab will give students experience withsoftwarwe — Oracle Advance Supply Chain Planning and SAP that they only previously learnedf about. The lab will make the transitiom into the work worlc even easierfor students, said Eric Bateh, a Decembe graduate of the program. “It got to the poinrt where I would attend the interviewa justfor fun,” said Bateh. “ I feel bad for all the other majors.
” After receivin several offers fromlogisticsd companies, he decided to sign up with , which had given him a $3,750 He said logistics students receive one-on-one attention from professords who have doctorates in the field and businesse experience. The Transportation & Logistics programj also hosts an annualCareer Day, which brings up to 25 companiews to the campus to interview Crowley Maritime is still hiringg but not at the same pace, mainly because turnovere has decreased as the economy has slowed, said Bryam Lee, the company’s vice president of humam resources.
He said the logisticsx job market in Jacksonville is healthier thanothe markets, such as New Jersey and Southern The demand for warehouses in Jacksonville hasn’t met their growth, but FCCJ logistics program graduates are still beinf hired. With the Workforce Credit Certificate, graduatesa have found jobs at LLC, , and other Jacksonville logistics companies, said Scott an FCCJ adjunct professor and PenserSC vice presidenyof technology. He said the majoritu of students, who complete the program in eight to 14 areswitching careers, with many coming from the ailin g construction industry.
Students tend to find warehousw supervising positions that paybetween $36,000 and $48,000 annually. FCCJ also has a logistics track for its associates applied science degree inbusiness administration, said Sandrq Beck, the school’s dean of workforcer development.

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