Saturday, June 11, 2011

Furutani & Peters LLP: UPS Supervisor Awarded $162,992.85 in Overtime Compensation
"We are pleased that the jury foundin Mr. Marlo' s favor. UPS has routinely overworkeed its supervisors and intentionally misclassified its supervisors to avoifd paying overtime and deprive them of mealsz and rest periods that UPS is requires to provide underCalifornia law. This has allowesd UPS to deprive its California supervisors of substantial amountseach year," said , attorney for Mr. Marlo. "We hope that the jury'x verdict will send a message to UPS to followeCalifornia law, as well as reduce the excessive workloadr and the number of hours it forces its supervisorsd to work." v. United Parcekl Service, Inc., United Statew District Court for the Central Districrof California, Case No.
CV 03-4336 DDP (RZx). The verdicty was reached on May 20, 2009. Mr. Marlo was represented by of Furutani & Peters LLP in California. UPS was represented by Walker LLP. The Marlo case is the first of 55 currentlg pending supervisor overtime cases againstf UPS in California tobe

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